is an interview for Sven's employer Fiege (April 2002)

silver medal because of superb tactics
Interview with Sven Fischer
congratulations from your collegues of Fiege Group on your great achievements in
this olympic season, especially at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City
and the World Championships at Oslo's Holmenkollen. We all kept our fingers
crossed for you! It's not at least because of you, that the attrativness of
biathlon as a sport increased in the last years. More and more people are
fascinated of the combination of these two different sports cross-country skiing
and shooting. How did you become a biathlete?
Sven Fischer: My former trainer in cross-country skiing, Stefan Luck, got me
interested in biathlon. I have been doing it since I was twelve years old.
must be difficult to find enough calmness for a clean shooting after skiing up
and down a hard track in high speed.
Sven Fischer: It is very difficult and enduring training is required to be
able to do it.
you won the silver medal in the olympic sprint competition, the papers wrote
about a superb feat concerning your tactics. How do tactics work in such a
competition? Don't you "just" have to ski as fast as possible and hit
all the targets?
Sven Fischer: I decided
to start my race in the first group of starters. This were the tactics. I tested
my skis the day before and noticed I had more and more difficulties with my best
pair of skies in this snow conditions. My teammates didn't have these problems.
So I hoped for steady weather conditions, which I thought to have only in the
beginning of the competition. And when you look at the result - the tactics
you have moral support in Salt Lake City? We think it must be as important as
support concerning sports.
Sven Fischer: Yes, my father. He
gave me support after everything went wrong in my first competitions, the
individual. That was very important for me. If you win a medal, everybody is
around you, but if you don't...
do you realize as your most important competitor and who of your mates
impressed you most?
Sven Fischer: Ole Einar Bjørndalen
was the most important competitor for me and our team. But because he was in
such a brilliant shape, the three silver and one bronze medals of our men's team
got even more valuable, for both Frank Luck and me and our relay team were
always right behind Ole Einar Bjørndalen.
you do special training for the Olympic Games? Did you train twice as often and
hard as usual or did you, in the contrary, train with a bit of caution?
Sven Fischer: Twice as often and hard isn't possible. But we started a bit
earlier in special techniques and in training on snow.
does your training look like in summer?
Sven Fischer: We regulary do sports such as swimming, paddling, running and
special biathlon training on roller ski plus shooting or running plus shooting.
how many bullets are you firering on targets during the summer?
Sven Fischer: Must be
approximately 12.000 - 14.000 small-bore bullets.
you know how many kilometers you covered on skis yet? Maybe you ran around the
world a few times by now?
Fischer: I
didn't check that, but definately it's thousands.
sport is in spectator's good favour, but the bonus' and advertising revenues are
rather small. What enables you to live as a professional sportsman?
Sven Fischer: Meanwhile
biathlon became a sport which has commercial appeal, that makes it a bit easier
for high-performance sportsmen. Nevertheless it wouldn't be possible without the
support of the German Ski Federation, German Sporthilfe and sponsors from trade
and industry to do this sport in international standings. Concerning me, this is
my generous employer Fiege Group.
would you call your greatest sucess yet?
Sven Fischer: There is not
one single achievement I'd call my greatest sucess, there are many I keep in
mind. But of course I consider the competitions at Olympic Games as something
We wish you
even more sucess for the future than in the former season and hope for your
participation in the Olympic Wintergames in four years time!
Sven with the
managers of his employer Fiege Group, Heinz Fiege and Dr. Hugo Fiege,
after the Olympic Games of 2002. |