Interview taken from the Thuringian newspaper "Thüringer Allgemeine" from
Sept. 1st 2000. The interviewer was Gerald Müller
on the raised hide
Sven Fischer enjoys hunting and admires Hartwig Gauder
The season is coming nearer and nearer. Do you, apart from looking forward to
the winter, feel the pressure to succeed?
I like the pressure. After all it is the result of my achievements. From that
point of view I can’t wait the competitions to start. When I met all the
athletes of different nations on Belmeken recently, I felt like competing as
soon as possible.
athletes are happy about fifth or sixth places. You are spoilt by success. Is it
a strain to know, that people expect you winning medals?
I know both: winning and being defeated. The most important thing for me is to
stay healthy. If this is the case, it would be okay for me to become only tenth
despite of all efforts. But it would be a pity, if I couldn’t achieve my
standard of performance because of any infection.
that mean, you have to handle yourself with kid gloves?
I’m not oversensitive and don’t flee every drop of rain. But meanwhile I
always bring a sweater to slip over when it’s getting cool.
needed it at the game of golf last weekend, where you played on the invitation
of Hartwig Gauder. Are you a member of “Sportsmen for donation of an organ”?
I’m not, but I sympathize with that organisation very much. And I admire
Hartwig Gauder. As a child, when I was an athlete of track-and-field sports
myself, I pursued his career. And later I pursued his struggle against his
disease. I think it is admirable, how he coped with his fate. And he lead many
people to believe that it’s worth fighting. Hartwig’s valuable message is:
never give up.
there a moment when you as biathlete thought about giving up?
career once was very much in danger because of a serious knee injury. But I
think as a sportsman I am a fighter and nothing gets me down easily. At the
World Championships in Oslo 1999 my very first shot was a miss. There were two
opportunities: to give up or to fight. I gave everything, had 19 clean shots and
won gold.
Mühlberg you played golf. Is golf a recreational sport for you?
really, I do it just for fun and I’m able to hit the ball. But I don’t have
enough time and passion for a lot of playing.
is your favorite way of diversion?
I like it best with my brother-in-law Lucki (Frank Luck). I can relax completely
then. It even happens that I sleep for about half an hour on the raised hide.
And when I stalk through the woods, I feel fine.
seem to be parallels to biathlon.
concentration, taking aim, adjusting, shooting. You can compare these things.
Maybe that’s the reason I like hunting so much.
does the serious side of sports start again?
starts with the autums performance tests in Ruhpolding and Oberhof. I’m
especially looking forward to the races in Thuringia, when we run around the
shooting range on roller-ski.
Thüringer Allgemeine
www.thueringer-allgemeine.de |