Interview from the "Thüringer Allgemeine" from September 12th
2002. The interviewer was Matthias Opatz.
training at the Tour de France
The complete managing committee of your club WSV
Oberhof resigned. What do you think about the WSV’s present situation?
I never meddle in
such things. I do my job very seriously and that’s what I expect from the
board of management too. The coming board and the regional politics should do
anything that we as sportsmen are able to be as sucessful in the future as we
are now.
You were at the golf tournament “Sportsmen for
donation of an organ” last weekend. Your teammates Luck and Sendel played, you
only watched. Doesn’t golf really grab you?
Surely. I’ve already tried a few times. But last week
I fell on roller-skies and hurt my elbow, I just didn’t want to risk anything.
Does that mean, you might not start at the German
Championships in Oberhof next weekend?
No, I will start
there. I train as before with a few little restrictions, it’s only a
precausionary measure.
Are you as motivated for the coming season as you were
before the Olympic Games?
Highlight are
always the Olympics. But of course you always give your best, because there are
the World Cup competitions and the World Championships. But the pressure isn’t
quite as high, so you can try a few things.
For you personally, what would that be?
gave more
priority on perserverance and techniques, we had too less time for that before the
Olympics. You have to listen what your body tells you – and react on its
Did you do high-altitude training?
No, I just trained
in Germany, in Ruhpolding and Oberhof. Apart from three days cycling in France,
partly hobby, partly training. As I am a fan of cycling sports, I have an eye on the
Tour de France.
One could hear that you as an edurance athlete think
about taking part in a triathlon competition one day…
That’s right. I
have done well in all three disciplines seperately, but not yet in succession.
That’s something I keep in mind for the future.The absolute priority now is on
Thüringer Allgemeine
www.thueringer-allgemeine.de |